February 15, 2014

Whining and Dining gets a Makeover!

This blog started as another way for me to share my adventures in food and cooking, and as I was blogging, I realized I was more interested in sharing some of my other projects.... so: 

Whining and Dining got a 

Consider this an all-inclusive girly blog, from everything to lessons on using power tools for the first time, to which brand of makeup lasts longer! 

My boyfriend tells me that my ideas are firing about a million miles per minute… The new direction of this blog is about the ups and downs, and my creative journey through it.  I’m a crafter, amateur chef, foodie, and so enjoy spending time with friends and family.  This is an all-inclusive blog of the events of my ascension into adulthood.  Hope you are able to find some ideas, maybe a little inspiration, and some humor in my journey.

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